Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Just Like You?

Just needed to post this excerpt (lost a dear friend last week and I wish we had talked more about this type of issue) - I vowed years ago, when I started writing and coaching, that I would share the past, and the struggles I've had, because if it helps even one person, that sharing would be worth it.
Today was a long day, and maybe it was for some of you as well - and sometimes people need reminding that long days are good....better than no days at all.

"In the past, in the midst of a depression, I assumed that this feeling was going to last the rest of my life. What a daunting feeling that is!
The cognitive process and understanding that it’s a chemical reaction going on in my body and mind, has since allowed me to know that the depression would be for a finite period of time. It has been an important thought to hang onto as I have faced other depressions.
This realization, combined with the fact that I finally learned it was alright to ask for help, for small things from friends, for big things from God, brought me a greater peace.
If I can plead with you one last moment about suicide prevention and fighting tendencies towards that terrible idea, if it prowls upon you, fight it. (I repeat that is does still happen to me on occasion - those times when the voices come, and tell me I’m nothing, that I’m not special and a drain on others – and I start to believe them. It’s quite a scary time.) But where I beat it, is in the realization that if these thoughts were true, if nothing about me is redeeming, why try so hard to convince me of that fact? Why bother with me at all if I’m so insignificant?

You are important. You are loved, even if you don’t feel particularly understood in the moment. So fight the fight knowing the voices are wrong. In the end, that’s what matters. #suicideprevention #notananswer #dontbelieveit.  "

I want people to know - being vocal about your struggles and asking for help -is not only okay, but for many people it's life-changing.....

Book Link

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